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December 2011
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Arugula Pesto with Pine Nuts


Arugula Pesto with Pinenuts1 I love making pestos. I don’t find myself making a whole lot of different kinds of basil pesto for some reason. I do love it but I always find myself making a sauce with another herb or vegetable.

This on is an arugula pesto. Arugula is one of my favorite greens. I love its versatility.. I can use it in a salad, cook with it and now make a pesto with it.

I simply paired it with garlic and pine nuts. I don’t like to use too much olive oil but it is important to use a really good quality one- so a little goes a long way. I used Pecorino instead of Parmesan as Pecorino has a stronger taste which is great for the bitter greens.

That is all I needed to make a delicious sauce. I used it for pasta and in this case- for pizza. Even my daughter ate it- she doesn’t usually like arugula but she really enjoyed the pesto on the pizza.
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Chinese Broccoli and Chicken Stir Fry


Chinese Broccoli and Chicken Stirfry I am sticking with the Asian theme so here is another delicious dish. One of our favorite Asian greens is Chinese broccoli. I love it! We make it a point to order it every time we go for dim sum. They usually steam it and serve a delicious hoisin sauce which is equivalent to a barbecue sauce. I love the earthy leaves with the crunchy stems.

A trip to the Asian store resulted in a big bunch of the greens and some of the tofu noodles. I realize once I get obsessed with an ingredient- I use it all the time. This dish can be served with any starch including white or brown rice- but we just love the tofu noodles. I also bought one ponzu sauce from the store. Ponzu soy sauce is a savory sauce with citrus notes- very yummy. I used it to marinate the chicken to give it a delicious flavor and I used it in a yummy sauce as well. The sauce also includes tamari, agave and orange juice- to mimic the ponzu flavors.

Overall it was a very easy and quick dish to make. It is super healthy and great for a weeknight meal…
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Pan Seared Flounder with Bok Choy Tofu Noodles


Sauteed Flounder with Tofu NoodlesIf you are trying to feed your kids less pasta- you need to try this dish. A few months ago, I started buying tofu noodles (shirataki noodles) from an Asian store. Later I noticed them in my regular super market and was thrilled. They are very low in calories and are delicious. The texture is a bit different and might need a bit getting used to- but sky is the limit with them.

I usually use them in Asian preparations but they can be used in anything. My daughter loves, loves them. When I was planning on making this dish, I made sure I bought enough packs of these noodles (each pack is a small quantity). I actually bought five to make sure all three of us get enough noodles. I then sautéed some delicious flounder which I sprinkled with a spice mix. The dish was delicious with sautéed bok choy with the noodles and the fish. I used a bit more chicken broth to mimic some of the delicious noodle soups we have been having at Asian restaurants.

The dish was a big success! Try this super healthy meal…
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