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Tag: broiler

Cardamom and Ginger Chicken

Cardamom Ginger Chicken I was cooking for a book club meeting. We were discussing ‘The Space Between Us‘ and since it is a book based in Mumbai, India- Indian food was requested.

I thought of making appetizers or finger foods. One of my friends suggested I make chicken tikkas. That was a good idea- but I wanted to change it up a bit.

After giving it a few thoughts I decided to use cardamom as the primary flavor. I love using cardamoms- I have a huge bag my Mom got from India. I store them in one of my two freezers- yes I have two additional freezers in my basement. What do I have in them, you ask? Well, one of them is full of extra spices, flour and rice- mostly all Indian groceries. The other one has spare breads, some meat, frozen vegetables and lots of other things I don’t have room for in my kitchen freezer which by the way is huge as well. As usual, I digress- I love the floral flavor and use it in sweet and savory dishes. Most of all, I use it in masala tea.

I also decided to use ginger in the chicken to simply ground the taste a bit. The rest of the ingredients are pretty much the same as the other chicken tikkas I have made in the past.

It is great to have in the fridge- my daughter loves the chicken and I like to usually make it on the weekends so I can use it through the week especially for her lunch.

Give the cardamom and ginger chicken a try- you won’t regret it…
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