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Tag: moms

What Are You Doing For Mother’s Day?

Mothers Day This picture is from my front yard of a clematis flower growing under a huge gum tree. I am extremely proud of since it took forever to grow. Our front yard is dominated by the big tree and for a very long time nothing thrived including the tree. After finding out the tree was healthy, I decided to take a risk and start planting lots of hardy plants around it. Always admiring my neighbor’s beautiful clematis plant, I decided to plant a few bulbs. Last year I saw some green shoots coming out but that was it- nothing else. I was a bit disappointed…

Finally, a few weeks ago I started to notice the clematis plant full of leaves and buds- and then a few days ago I noticed this beautiful flower. It was extremely satisfying knowing all the hard work payed off- finally, after such a long time.

Why am I telling you all of this- well my experience reminded me of Mother’s day. Since I got into gardening and actually started enjoying it- I like to be outside on Mother’s Day (weather permitting) and get some gardening done. Last year I did my window boxes- my husband installed them for me and we all planted beautiful, colorful flowers as well as some vines. It was very nice to do something I enjoy.

I guess that is my point in all of this. For all the Moms out there- try taking some time out on Sunday and do something you enjoy- whether it is by yourself or with the family.

When I first moved to the US, I remember thinking – wow, what is Mother’s Day? I saw all the stores filled with gifts, etc and wondered what it was all about- since then, the holiday is celebrated almost all over the world. I still feel it is a holiday made up by retailers, forcing all of us to buy things we really don’t need.

Once I became a Mother, I saw the day a bit more different but I still think it is all about stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy getting something fabulous. Most of all I enjoy getting the handmade gifts my daughter brings home from school including the elaborate cards.  I cherish and save them.  I think the day should be spent thinking about what makes you happy and how you can carve out time from your busy day, or week to do a bit of it. In my case, I get to do it everyday- I cook, eat and write about food. As far as I am concerned, it doesn’t get any better than that. So, I will cook and do some gardening on Sunday. The way I look at it- no one is going to take care of you the way you do- so, go ahead and do it. It is important for you to be happy and fulfilled. Take advantage of whatever time you have now and enjoy!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. I hope everyone has a delicious day- I plan to!

So, what are YOU doing for Mother’s Day???