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Tag: puttanesca sauce

Shrimp Scampi with Puttanesca Sauce

Shrimp Scampi with Pauttanesca Sauce1 This is two dishes in one. We all love shrimp in our house- especially shrimp scampi with lots of pasta or a yummy crusty bread to scoop up all the garlicky goodness. I usually have a big green salad and dinner is done.

Now my husband had been talking about puttanesca sauce which in Italian means ladies of the night. There are a lot of origins of this sauce but how ever it started- it is one of my favorites. I wasn’t sure why I had never made it before- I always have all the ingredients available.

I love the tangy, spicy and savory aspect of this very simple pantry sauce. It is especially great when you are in a bind, short on time or it is too cold to go for dinner. I made this particular one with shrimp to please my daughter and husband.

I love the anchovy flavor in this sauce- now most people claim they don’t like anchovies, including my husband but he loves puttanesca sauce and caesar salad. When people smell the anchovies in the jar- they don’t smell so good- but once you cook them or mix them with another ingredient, they bring an underlying salty, nutty flavor.

I paired it with shrimp because it enhances the salty and nutty flavor. This dish was delicious. I used penne but any pasta can be used- the classic being spaghetti. My daughter ate it as well- I didn’t give her too much of the sauce, just the shrimp and lots of olives since she adores them.

A big salad and it was a successful dinner.

  • 1 pound cleaned shrimp
  • 4 teaspoons garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons extra light olive oil
  • ½ cup white wine
  • Salt
  • Red pepper flakes
  • ½ pound penne, cooked al dente
  • ½ cup saved pasta water

In a large frying pan, add the olive oil and garlic. Heat the pan slowly so the garlic does not burn. Saute the garlic on a low heat for 2-3 minutes. Add the shrimp, raise the heat and sauté for a minute or two or till the shrimp begin to turn pink. Add the white wine and red pepper flakes. Mix well and add the salt. Add the cooked pasta and the reserved pasta water. Cook for a minute or two and serve with the puttanesca sauce mixed in or on the side.

Puttanesca Sauce

Puttanesca Sauce 2

  • 3 cups fresh tomato sauce or canned tomato puree
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 anchovy fillets
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons capers, crushed
  • ¼ cup olives- mixture of black and green, crushed
  • Salt
  • Red pepper flakes

In a wide frying pan, add the olive oil and anchovy fillets. Saute on medium heat till the fillets melt. Add the garlic, capers and olives. Saute for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Add the tomato sauce, salt and red pepper flakes. Add cooked pasta and serve.

Puttanesca Sauce 1