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Tag: spanish inspired

Roast Chicken Breast with Smoked Paprika

Smoked Paprika Chicken BreastThis recipe is for those of us who want to eat healthier now that summer is over and school has started.I can’t believe summer is all done and my daughter is back to school. Summer was filled with a lot of indulging but I was very good at balancing my day with healthy foods and making sure over eating didn’t happen.

Anyway, it is time to get serious and eat well. This is a simple and healthy dish one can make through the week. I took good quality chicken breasts and roasted them with a lot of flavor- that is my trick when I am eating healthy- I boost the flavor. I mixed up garlic, oregano, smoked paprika and lemon juice with olive oil in a mortar and pestle. I marinated the chicken for several hours and roasted it in the oven.

I served the chicken with a ribbon salad- recipe to come tomorrow…
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