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July 2009
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A Great Recipe for Leftover Bread: Egg in the Bread


egg-in-bread I love cooking this dish for breakfast- the problem is that most of the time I forget to make it. Usually on the weekends, my husband makes pancakes for my daughter and I make scrambled eggs. The other day, I came down to make coffee and breakfast- I saw part of a leftover baguette sitting on the kitchen island. This particular dish came to mind right away. I had eggs and parmesan cheese in the fridge- so I decided to whip it up. One of the reasons I like making it so much is because it is so easy and fast. It’s a great way to use up left over bread. I love the idea of cooking an egg right in the middle of the bread. I added a couple of fresh garlic cloves and cooked them slowly in the same pan for the flavor to emanate through the bread slices. I made two for my husband and one for me. He likes his yolks cooked all the way- I on the other hand, like my yolks nice and soft. I topped the toasted, crispy egg filled slices with grated parmesan cheese. 

Besides eating them, the best part is cutting into the yummy slices- the gooey egg paired with the crispy parmesan crusted bread is heaven. The subtle garlic flavor is amazing as well. The only downside about this is that you want to eat a bunch of them- they are surprisingly light. 

I ate mine with a perfectly brewed cup of coffee and my husband had his with a big cup of masala chai– it was a great way to start the weekend…

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