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August 2009
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Healthy Frozen Treat: Fresh Strawberry Sorbet


strawberry-sorbet Everyone loves frozen treats in the summer and as I sit outside in this humid sauna, I wouldn’t mind having one right now. Every time we (my daughter and I) are in town (Maplewood), she wants to get an ice cream; or any time we are outside or in the park, the ice cream truck comes along; or any time we are at the pool, she wants ice cream. You get the picture. I am not happy buying her ice cream all the time, especially because I don’t know what kind of crappy ingredients are in there. I especially hate the very colorful ones with gum inside- and of course Sia absolutely loves them. There is always an argument over when and where she can get ice cream. I would prefer to buy ice cream outside once in a while and instead give it to her more often at home. I remember growing up and only wanting to eat ice cream outside- it just tasted better…. so I do understand her point of view.

I keep healthy things at home and want her to eat and be aware of what she puts in her body. Beside buying good quality ice cream, I try to make some at home. I have experimented with a few gelato flavors and some sorbets. I had a lot of strawberries at home- which is quite easy to do in the summer months- and didn’t know what to do with them. I first thought of making a strawberry sauce to drizzle on top of ice cream but then decided to make  a sorbet instead. 

Fresh, healthy sorbet with all natural ingredients- what a concept. I looked at a few recipes on line and then came up with my own version. It was very simple to make and not time consuming at all. My daughter helped by being the ‘taste tester’.

It was a winner- she loved it. I can’t say the ice cream eating outside the house has decreased since then- though I keep trying, but at least I feel good every time she eats it at home!

Try this one, it’s delicious!
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