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Tag: Lisbon

Porto, London and Edinburgh… Here I Come!

So, it is time to do some traveling again! This trip is with a big group of people- all family but we will be 15 of us in Porto. We have been doing a big family trip now for 3 years and it is a lot of fun. There is a lot of planning that goes into it but in the end, it is really worth it.

We have been to Lisbon a few years ago and it was wonderful. I loved the city, the people and the food. It was an easy trip to take and a quick flight helped as well! While coming up with a destination for the family, we had a few things to keep in mind- it had to be moderate temperatures- nothing super hot… otherwise one can’t walk around and sightsee, it also had to have a nice town and preferably close to the ocean. Our first choice was Majorca but then with the really hot weather and super high airfares, we decided to look for another option. Porto came to mind as it was easy to get to, has good weather and it’s home to Port wine!!! Sign me up, I thought, especially since we had such a great time in Lisbon!

So we will be in Porto for 5 nights and then we go off to London and Edinburgh. We have been to both cities before but some of the family members have not… so for me it will nice to revisit the beautiful cities and eat some delicious food… oh and spend time with family!

Stay tuned….

A Few Days In Lisbon- Last Day!

No matter where I go- I love going back home…. I loved being in Lisbon- it is a beautiful, charming city, filled with very friendly people and beautiful architecture. The wine is cheap and delicious and the food is good. A simple ham sandwich is amazing with the most delicious bread and a couple of slices of the best ham one has ever tasted! The pastries are amazing and so are the cakes! read more …

A Few Days in Lisbon- Day 3

As I may have mentioned before, Lisbon was a very last minute decision. This city had been on my husband’s list of places to visit. I was happy to go but I really didn’t know what to expect. Well, I have decide that I really love Lisbon. It is a very charming, old, quaint city. The people are super laid back and friendly. I am really enjoying the food as well. Although I realize all my posts have included desserts as the main image. The desserts have been amazing.

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A Few Days in Lisbon- Day 2

Day two started much better than day one! Our hotel served a delicious buffet breakfast. I look forward to eating breakfast in Europe. Amazing bread, cheese, ham! I usually don’t eat bread through the week- well, for breakfast I had to rolls- they were delicious- with jam! Lots of yummy coffee later I was satisfied and ready to explore Lisbon- hoping to burn off all the calories I ingested for breakfast!! It started off raining, so we decided to do the bus city tour. Lisbon is very quaint and beautiful, filled with old buildings… read more …

A Few Days in Lisbon- Day 1

A visit to Lisbon was a last minute decision for us. Since it is fairly close (I guess relatively speaking!), compared to the rest of Europe, that is.. we decided to go for it. We couldn’t get a direct flight and were scheduled to stop over in London for a couple of hours. Regardless, we would be in Lisbon the next day quite early. read more …